The Random Admin

Welcome to the random admin – a hub for system administrators passionate about teaching and leveraging technology to support local businesses. Explore our diverse topics. In my journey, I’ve gained insights into mental health, integrating it into my work to foster unexpected growth in others. At the random admin, I merge mental health and IT through engaging stories, offering a unique blend of knowledge and self-understanding.

AD User Audit with PowerShell

In the intricate web of modern network management, the security and integrity of user accounts stand paramount. "AD User Audit with PowerShell" isn't just a technical process; it's a critical practice for any robust IT infrastructure. Why, you ask? The answer lies in...

Create Bulk Users

Today we are going to go over how to create hundreds of users at once using PowerShell in active Directory. This is great for building a home lab to test things out with. To learn how to build your own AD lab, you can look over this video. Towards the end of this...

Resolving KB5034439 error

While install the LB5034439 update, i received an error message of 0x80070643. Google failed me over and over. Every post I saw talked about using dism commands to repair the update. Which none of these resolved the issue. Finally microsoft dropped a useful article...

Docker and WordPress

It's time to build on our Docker knowledge. WordPress is a powerful web platform that a large part of the internet is built on. This site is built on WordPress. Whenever I am working on a site for a friend, I will build myself WordPress and then create their site...

Ladder With Docker

The other day I was searching for a piece of code for work. One of the links I clicked was geo locked to the EU only. Which threw me off. I didn't have a VPN on the computer. So what do you do? We use a web proxy. Last week we talked about a reverse proxy. A web proxy...

Reverse Proxy on Docker

Over the past year, I have started rebuliding my home lab. One thing about a home lab is you want very little entries into your network. I split off my home lab from my main network using a pfsense firewall. The home network only has 2 ports open on it. That's 80 and...

Building Parameters for Commands

One of my favorite things with powershell is building out splat parameters for commands through the main parameter set. Today we are going to go over how that is done. We are going to do this through the Get-childitem and get-ACL. These are some mighty commands and...

analogy between our brains and computer

Ever considered that we are, in essence, hardware? This realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. It triggered a fascinating analogy between our brains and computer systems, especially for someone deeply entrenched in Information Technology. The Structure of the...

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