A few weeks ago, we built WordPress in Docker. Today I want to go deeper into the world of docker. We will be working with a single WordPress instance, but we will be able to expand this setup beyond what is currently there over time. Unlike last time we will be self-containerizing everything and adding plugins along with the LDAP php which doesn’t natively come with the WordPress:Latest image. It’s time to build an WordPress in Docker with LDAP.

Docker Files

As we all know docker uses compose.yml files for it’s base configuration. This file processes the requested image based on the instructions in the compose. Last time we saw that we could mount the wp-content to our local file system to edit accordingly. The compose handles that. This time we are going about it a little differently. The compose file handles the configuration of basic items like mounting, volumes, networks, and more. However, it can’t really do much in the line of editing a docker image or adding to it. The compose file has the ability to call upon a build command.

      context: .
      dockerfile: dockerfile

The build is always within the service that you want to work with. the Context here is the path of the build. This is useful if you have the build files somewhere else like a share. Then the dockerfile will be the name of the build. I kept it simple and went with docker file. This means there are now two files. the docker-compose.yml and this dockerfile.

What are the Dockerfile

The docker file takes an image and builds it out. It has some limitations. The dockerfile can add additional layers that adds to the over all size of the image. Non-persistence is the next problem, by it’s ephemeral nature, it disappears after it’s first use. The file can only do a single threaded execution. Thus, it can’t handle multiple things at once. It’s very liner in it’s nature. If than, and other structures are not present in the docker file. This makes it hard for it to be a programing language. There are limits to versioning.

The docker file cannot work with networking or ports. There is no user management inside the dockerfile process. Complexity is a big problem with these files as the more complex, the harder it is to maintain. Never handle passwords inside the dockerfile. The docker file can’t handle environmental variables. The thing that hit me the hardest, limited apt-get/yum commands. Build context is important as dockerfiles can slow down performance. Finally, dockerfile’s may not work on all hosts.

With those items out of the way, docker files can do a lot of other good things like layering additional items to a docker image. The container treats these files as root and runs them during the build. This means you can install programs, move things around and more. It’s time to look at our dockerfile for our WordPress in Docker with LDAP.

The Dockerfile

# Use the official WordPress image as a parent image
FROM wordpress:latest

# Update package list and install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y \
        git \
        nano \
        wget \

# Configure and install PHP extensions
RUN docker-php-ext-configure ldap --with-libdir=lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ && \
    docker-php-ext-install ldap

# Clean up
RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Clone the authLdap plugin from GitHub
RUN git clone https://github.com/heiglandreas/authLdap.git /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/authLdap

# Add custom PHP configuration
RUN echo 'file_uploads = On\n\
memory_limit = 8000M\n\
upload_max_filesize = 8000M\n\
post_max_size = 9000M\n\
max_execution_time = 600' > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/uploads.ini

The Breakdown

Right off the bat, our FROM calls down the wordpress:latest image. This is the image we will be using. This is our base layer. Then we want to RUN our first command. Run commands like to have the same commands. Remember, every command is ran as the container’s root. The first RUN command will contain two commands. The APT-Get Update and the install. We are installing git, this way we can grab a plugin, nano, so we can edit files, wget, for future use and our php ldap.

apt-get update &&\
apt-get install -y git nano wget libldap2-dev

Please notice the && \. The \ means to treat the next line as part of this command. The && means and. The && allows you to run mulitple commands on the same line. Since each RUN is a single line, this is very important. The libldap2-dev is our ldap plugin for php. Our next RUN edits the docker php extension.

The Run Commands

RUN docker-php-ext-configure ldap --with-libdir=lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ && \
docker-php-ext-install ldap

docker-php-ext- * is a built in scripts to our WordPress image. We tell the configure where our new libraries are located for the PHP. Then we tell php to install the ldap plugin. After we have it installed, we need to do some clean up with the next RUN command.

rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

At this point, we have WordPress in Docker with LDAP php modules. Now I want a cheap easy to use plugin for the ldap. I like the authldap plugin. We will use the git command that we installed above and clone the repo for this plugin. Then drop that lpugin into the WordPress plugin folder. This is our next RUN command.

git clone https://github.com/heiglandreas/authLdap.git /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/authLdap

In our previous blog, we used a printf command to make a upload.ini file. Well, we don’t need that. You can do this here. We trigger our final RUN command. This time it will be echo. Echo just says stuff. So we echo all the PHP settings into our uploads.ini within the image.

# Add custom PHP configuration
RUN echo 'file_uploads = On\n\
memory_limit = 8000M\n\
upload_max_filesize = 8000M\n\
post_max_size = 9000M\n\
max_execution_time = 600' > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/uploads.ini

Docker Compose

Now we have our Dockerfile built out. It’s time to build out our new docker compose file. Here is the compose file for you to read.

version: '3.8'

      context: .
      dockerfile: dockerfile
      - "8881:80"
      - "8882:443"
      WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: sitename_db:3306
      - sitename_wp_data:/var/www/html
      - sitename_db
      - sitename_net_wp

    image: mysql:5.7
      - sitename_wp_db:/var/lib/mysql
      - sitename_net_wp

    driver: bridge


The WordPress in Docker with LDAP breakdown

First thing first, Notice everywhere you see the name “sitename”. To use this docker correctly, one must replace that information. This will allow you to build multiple sites within their own containers, networks and more. As stated before, the first thing we come accross is the build area. This is where we tell teh system where our dockerfile lives. Context is the path to the file in question and dockerfile is the file above.

Next, is the ports. We are working with port 8881:80. This is where you choose the ports that you want. The first number is the port your system will reach out to, the second number is the port that your container will understand. Our SSL port is 8882 which is the standard 443 on the containers side.

      - "8881:80"
      - "8882:443"

Next are the enviromental veriables. If you notice, some of the items have ${codename} instead of data. These are veriables that will pull the data externally. This approach prevents embedding the codes inside the compose file. The volume is the next part of this code. Instead of giving a physical location, we are giving it a volume. Which we will declare later. Next, we state the wordpress page is dependant on the mysql image. Finally, we select a network to tie this container to. The process is the same for the database side.

Finally, we declare our network with the networks. This network will have it’s own unique name, as you see the sitename is within the network name. We set this network to bridge, allowing access from the outside world. Finally we declare our volumes as well.

The hidden enviromental file

The next file is the enviromental file. For every ${codename} inside the docker, we need an envorimental veriable to match it. Some special notes about the salts for WordPress. The unique symbols, such as a $ or an =, in the code injection cause the docker to break down. It is wise to use numbers and letters only. Here is an example:


As always, grab your salts from an offical source if you can make it work, Here is the WordPress Official source site. You can also use powershell to give you a single password, take a look here. Of course, replace everything in this file with your own passwords you wish. If you have the scripting knowledge, you can auto-generate much of this.

Bring Docker to Life

Now we have all of our files created. It’s finally time to bring our creation to life. Run the following command:

docker compose up -d

If you notice, there are additional information that appears. The dockerfile will run and you can watch it as it runs. if there are errors, you will see them here. Often times, the erros will be syntex issues. Docker is really good at showing you what is wrong. So, read the errors and try finding the answer online.

What can we learn as a person today?

Men are born soft and supple; dead, they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant; dead, they are brittle and dry. Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death. Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life. The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevailLao Tzu

In seeking assistance from forums like the sysadmin subreddit or Discord channels, I often encounter rigid advice, with people insisting on a singular approach. This rigidity echoes Lao Tzu’s words: “Men are born soft and supple; dead, they are stiff and hard… The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevail.” In professional settings, flexibility and adaptability are crucial. Entering a new company with an open mindset, ready to consider various methods, enables us to navigate around potential obstacles effectively. Conversely, inflexibility in our career, adhering strictly to one method, risks stagnation and failure. Embracing adaptability is not just about avoiding pitfalls; it’s about thriving amidst change. Lao Tzu’s wisdom reminds us that being pliant and receptive in our careers, much like the living beings he describes, leads to resilience and success.