The Random Admin

Welcome to the random admin – a hub for system administrators passionate about teaching and leveraging technology to support local businesses. Explore our diverse topics. In my journey, I’ve gained insights into mental health, integrating it into my work to foster unexpected growth in others. At the random admin, I merge mental health and IT through engaging stories, offering a unique blend of knowledge and self-understanding.

Breaking Free from Potential Trauma Lensing

Recently I have had to come to a new level of understanding about myself. For years I have been attracted to the potential of others. I have picked my closest friends through this viewpoint; it worked for many years. However, as we get older, things change, and people...

Speedtest To Ninja

In a previous blog, we discussed doing a speed test on a computer using PowerShell. Let's take that script and expand on it with three lines of code and some prep time. This will allow us to update items inside our Ninja One RMM tool. So we can push a Speedtest To...

Speed test with PowerShell

Often times I need to run a speed test on a remote machine. Doing a speed test tends to help you understand what's going on with the end user's computer. For example, currently, my ISP is having issues. I am getting around 6mbps down and 75 Mbps up. If I called in and...

You Don’t Need Superpowers

That's right, you Don't Need Superpowers. Today I bring you a blog post near and dear to my heart. I grew up reading DC and Marvel comic books. Watching Superhero tv shows and movies. The idea that someone could fly, and run faster than a speeding bullet was amazing....

Automating with Graph API

Last week we discussed sending emails with Graph API. You can read about it here. Today we will be taking that script and making it so it can be automated. On the backend, you will need to create an Azure App. You can read about how to do that here. The following code...

Emails with Graph API

Last week we spoke about finding disabled users with licensing using PowerShell and graph API. Today, we will be expanding from that blog. We are going to send the results ourselves. Next week, we will create this into an automation using application rights and azure...

Is It S.A.F.E.S.

Do you struggle with any kind of addiction? Well, I should say, what is your addiction? Everyone has one. Each addiction is held to society's standards which they live in. For example, here in America, overworking is praised while in other mature countries, it's...


Values are the fundamental beliefs that guide our behaviors, decisions, and attitudes toward life. They are the principles that define our character, shape our perspective, and determine our priorities. We learn our default values through our community and families....

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