Recently I was working with a company that gave me a really locked down account. I wasn’t use to this as I have always had some level of read only access in each system. I was unable to create a graph API application either. So, I was limited to just my account. This was a great time to use the newer command lines for graph Api as when you connect to Graph API using the PowerShell module, you inherit the access your account has. So today we will Get Intune Devices with PowerShell and Graph API.

The Script

Function Get-IntuneComputer {
    param (
    begin {

        #Connects to Graph API

        #Installs the Module
        if ($null -eq (Get-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune)) {Install-module Microsoft.Graph.Intune}

        #Imports module
        Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune

        #Tests current Connection with a known computer
        $test = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "deviceName eq 'AComputer'"

        #If the test is empty, then we connect
        if ($null -eq $test) {Connect-MSGraph}
    process {

        #Checks to see if the username flag was used
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Username')) {
            #if it was used, then we go through each username get information
            $ReturnInfo = foreach ($User in $Username) {
                Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "userPrincipalName eq '$User'" | select-object deviceName,lastSyncDateTime,manufacturer,model,isEncrypted,complianceState
        } else {
            #Grabs all of the devices and simple common information. 
            $ReturnInfo = Get-IntuneManagedDevice | Get-MSGraphAllPages | select-object deviceName,lastSyncDateTime,manufacturer,model,isEncrypted,complianceState,userDisplayName,userPrincipalName
    end {

        #Returns the information

        #Disconnects if we want it. 
        if ($Disconnect) {Disconnect-MgGraph}

The Breakdown


We enter the script with the common parameters. Command let binding flag. This gives us additional parameters like verbose. Next, we have a list of strings called Username. We are using a list of strings to allow us to have multiple inputs. Doing this, we should be able to use a list of usernames and get their Intune Device information. Note that this is a multiple input parameter, thus, you will need to deal with it with a loop later. Next is the Disconnect switch. It’s either true or not. By default, this script will keep connected to Intune.

Connecting to Intune

Next we will connect to the Intune system. First, we need to check and install the module. We check the install by using the get-module command. We are looking for the Microsoft.Graph.Intune module. If it doesn’t exist, we want to install it.

if ($null -eq (Get-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune)) {Install-module Microsoft.Graph.Intune}

If the module does exist, we will simply skip the install and move to the import. We will be using the importing the same module

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune

Afterwards, We want to test the connection to Microsoft Intune. The best way to do this is to test a command. You can do it however you want. I am testing against a device that is in Intune.

$test = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "deviceName eq 'AComputer'"

We will be using this command later. Notice the filter. We are filter the deviceName here. Replace the ‘AComputer’ with whatever you want. If you want to use another command, feel free. This was the fastest command that tested. The above command will produce a null response if you are not connect. Thus, we can test, $test with an if statement. If it comes back with information, we are good, but if it is null, we tell it to connect.

if ($null -eq $test) {Connect-MSGraph}

Get Intune Devices with PowerShell

Now it’s time to Get Intune Devices with PowerShell. The first thing we check to see is if we used a username parameter. We didn’t make this parameter mandatory to give the script flexibility. Now, we need to code for said flexibility. If the command contained the Username flag, we want to honor that usage. We do this with the PowerShell Bound Parameters. The PowerShell Bound Parameters is the that come after the command. We are looking to see if it contains a key of username. If it does, we want to grab the needed information with the username. While if it doesn’t, we grab everything.

if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Username')) {
    #Grab based on username
} else {
    #get every computer

As we spoke about the list of string parameter needing a loop, this is where we are going to do that. We first create a foreach loop of users for the username. Here, the we will dump the gathered information into a Return variable of $ReturnInfo. Inside our loop, we gather the requried information. The Get-IntuneManagedDevice command filter will need to use the userPrincipalName. These filters are string filters and not object filters. Thus, the term like will cause issues. This is why we are using the equal term.

Now, if we are not searching the Username, we want to grab all the devices on the network. This way if you run the command without any flags, you will get information. Here, we use the Get-IntuneManagedDevice followed by the Get-MSGraphAllPages to capture all the pages in question.

if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Username')) {
            $ReturnInfo = foreach ($User in $Username) {
                Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "userPrincipalName eq '$User'"
        } else {
            $ReturnInfo = Get-IntuneManagedDevice | Get-MSGraphAllPages 

Ending the Script

Now it’s time to end the script. We want to return the information gathered. I want to know some basic information. The commands presented produces a large amount of data. In this case we will be selecting the following:

  • DeviceName
  • LastSyncDateTime
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • isEncrypted
  • ComplianceState
  • UserDisplayName
  • UserPrincipalName
$ReturnInfo | select-object deviceName,lastSyncDateTime,manufacturer,model,isEncrypted,complianceState,userDisplayName,userPrincipalName

Finally, we test to see if we wanted to disconnect. A simple if statement does this. If we choose to disconnect we run the Disconnect-MgGraph command.

if ($Disconnect) {Disconnect-MgGraph}

What can we learn as a person

In PowerShell, we can stream line the output that we get. Often times commands like these produce a lot of useless but useful information. It’s not useful at the moment. This is like our work enviroment. I use to be a big advacate of duel, and not more screens. I would often have 5 things going on at once. My desk use to have everything I needed to quickly grab and solve a personal problem. For example, my chapstick sat on my computer stand. My water bottle beside the monitor. Papers, sticky notes, and more all scattered accross my desk. I wondered why I couldn’t focus. Our brains are like batteries. How much focus is the charge. Our brains take in everything. Your brain notices the speck of dirt on the computer monitor and the sticky note, without your password on it, hanging from your monitor. This takes your charge.

Having two monitors is great and I still use two. However, I have a focused monitor and a second monitor for when I need to connect to something else. At some point I will get a larger wider monitor and drop the second one all together. Having less allows your brain to grab more attention on one or two tasks. Someone like myself, I have more than one task going at any moment. That’s ok with my brain. Let’s use our Select-object command in real life and remove the distractions from our desks.

Additional Readings