Docker and WordPress
It's time to build on our Docker knowledge. WordPress is a powerful web platform that a large part of the internet is built on. This site is built on WordPress. Whenever I am working on a site for a friend, I will build myself WordPress and then create their site there in my test environment. When I get it the way I want it, I move it and destroy...
Share Point File Audit
Monitor Discovery Through PowerShell
Today, in the field, we will discover a user's monitors through PowerShell. This is very useful for any kind of RMM tool. I used this script with PDQ and Continuum. You can also run this script with backstage. Let's take a look at the script for Monitor Discovery. The...
Windows Updates With Powershell
At a previous company, we had to maintain windows updates without WSUS. This caused some unique complexities. Back then, all machines in question were Microsoft Surface Tablets. This means that driver updates were important. Thus, I created a one-liner to update...