analogy between our brains and computer
Ever considered that we are, in essence, hardware? This realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. It triggered a fascinating analogy between our brains and computer systems, especially for someone deeply entrenched in Information Technology. The Structure of the Brain: A Hardware Blueprint Now, Imagine your hands as the keyboard and mouse. A...
Finding Old Snapshots with PowerShell
Do you need to find Old Snapshots on a hyper-v server? It's super easy. So, today we will go through how to get some basic information that allows us to make judgment calls. The Script - Find Old Snapshots $Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) $Vms = Get-VM | where-object {...
Install Perch with PowerShell
Perch is an event log tracker that can catch a lot of useful information. I like perch because it captures failed login information. It's easy to sort and exportable. This is why many companies use the software. There are some gatchya's with perch installs though. If...
Wait for service to appear – PowerShell
This past week I had to install a piece of software that took 30 minutes to install. The software had multiple levels of processes that made the -wait feature completely useless. The best way to know the software was installed is to detect the service names. Thus you...