Auto 365 Licensing with Groups

Auto 365 Licensing with Groups

I was working with a client a few months ago, and they needed me to set up auto licensing. The idea is that the helpdesk right-clicks on a user and clicks copy. That user will get all the groups inside the template user. This also includes licensing for O365. Believe it or not, this is super easy to do.

The client’s structure was as such, They had a local active directory that uses ad connect to sync all the user information. The ad sync occurred every 30 minutes.

Local AD

The first step is to create the licensing groups in local AD. In this case, I named them “Microsoft Office 365 E3” and “Microsoft Office 365 F3”. This way it’s super clear. These will be security groups. I have them in an OU that is synced with AD Connect.

Only users that will get E3 will be in the E3 group and the ones getting F3 will be in the F3 group. Once again, very clear.

Now I have created the groups, I complete an AD sync or I wait for the ADSync to be completed. To force an ad sync, you will need to log into the AD sync server. Normally this is a DC, it doesn’t have to be, but normally from my experience, it is.

Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Initial

You can view your sync by loading the Synchronization Service Manager and watching the sync. Once the sync is complete, move to the next step, Azure AD.

Azure AD Licensing Assignments.

Log into azure ad at On the left side, You will see Groups. Expand Groups and Click all Groups. Then search for the group you are looking for. In this case we want the Microsoft Office 365 E3 Group.

Now its time to add the license for anyone who joins this group.

  • Click on the Group
  • Under Manage click Licenses
  • In The middle Click Assignment
  • Add the desired licenses and applications associated with the licenses, See the image below.
  • Click Save.

The final step is to add users accordingly. After they sync, they will receive the licensing accordingly. Now you have a fully automated method of assigning licenses.

Additional Reading

Multi-Account Containers

Multi-Account Containers

I have been in IT for a little over 10 years and have tried various browsers and plugs/extensions. Some are extremely useful, and some, are not so. I abandoned Firefox for a while because it was not compatible with the required software. Recently I have returned back to firefox because of Multi-Account Containers.

Firefox has a unique extension that only it has. This extension is called the multi-account container. What it does is allows you to open a tab in a container of its own. Link

What is Multi-Account Containers

The extension has containers. These containers hold all of the cached items inside of it. For example, if you log into o365 in one container, you will be able to log into a different o365 in another container. Unlike incognito mode, you will be able to work with items that need to cache on your computer like exchange online.

If you are in the MSP world? This is a game-changer. You can have a container for each of your clients and solely work out of that container for that client. For in-house IT, it allows you to test as a normal user vs an IT admin. Even in your home life, the added layer of security helps with your banking and personal items. This way Facebook doesn’t leak into your bank account’s cache.

My favorite feature

When firefox starts, you have a screen full of tabs of previously opened sites or most visited sites. Each one of these you can right-click and open in a different container. I can do this with links, and even the + for a new tab. I can dedicate a tab just for my company and a tab just for personal. This way my o365 doesn’t affect a client’s o365.

And yes, This beast is only available on firefox and firefox off shoots. So, long live firefox!

As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Additional Reading: