Tailscale and Linux
Hey there, tech aficionado! So, you've got yourself a Linux-based home lab, and you're probably thinking, "How do I make all these gadgets talk to each other without going down the rabbit hole of traditional VPN setups?" Well, let me introduce you to your new digital BFF, Tailscale and Linux in your home lab. It's about to make your life a whole...
Values are the fundamental beliefs that guide our behaviors, decisions, and attitudes toward life. They are the principles that define our character, shape our perspective, and determine our priorities. We learn our default values through our community and families....
O365 Mobile Devices
I needed to grab all the mobile devices that had emails attached to them not too long ago. I could have gone through the GUI, and spent a few days trying my best to document everything, or I could use Powershell to pull the O365 Mobile Devices. Can you guess which one...
Set Telemetry with Powershell
Windows 10 and 11 have a unique feature called telemetry. This feature allows Microsoft to track your device. For security reasons, it's best to disable this, however, for a home level, this feature is useful. So, let's Set Telemetry with Powershell. Registry Keys and...