by David | Apr 2, 2021 | Information Technology, PowerShell
Nested objects are very useful as they can give you a way to store complex data. The featured image of this blog is of a nested temple. Each room is nested on top of the other. What’s cool about this image is each room has items inside of it. For example, there a water bottle. Think of nested arrays like this. The full thing is a temple. That is the first object. Then we have small buildings inside that. Those are our secondary objects. Those secondary objects also have properties. So imagine the roof being the second object’s properties. Inside each building there are rooms. Those are our third objects. What’s in those rooms are the properties of those rooms. Then you can have a chest that could be a fourth object and it could have its own properties. As you can tell, this can get confusing quickly. Parsing through that data can be a challenge. Below we will go through the process of adding display names to the account SKU for the licenses for each user. We do this for later reporting. There are a few things you will need before we start.
- MSonline module
- SKU file that can be found here
- A Microsoft account with users
- An at least read-only account.
The Setup
You will need to be doing all of the following commands on PowerShell Version 5 because MSOnline does not work on PowerShell 7 yet.
Install-Module MSOnline -force
Import-module MSOnline
Now you need to connect to the Microsoft Online account. You can do this by using the connect-msolservice. Make sure you have the credentials required.
$Users = Get-MsolUser -all
Now download the list here. You will need to import the file into PowerShell. You can do this with the Import-CSV command. Inside this list, you can add what you want and so on and so forth.
Add the Add to Licenses
Now we have the array built, it’s time to start learning something cool. The goal is to add the display name of the Account SKU inside the licenses area of each user. This way when you see the licenses you know what you are looking at later. More importantly, this will teach you how to place information directly into an array instead of rebuilding the array.
For vs Foreach
I love foreach, it helps so much. foreach ($user in $users) is nice. This is great for rebuilding an array because you can push the information into another array easily like this. Great for a full rebuild. However, in our world we want to put the data directly into the array itself. The Foreach creates a temporary object based on the object that is inside the array. So it creates a “User” based on the “Users.” Thus, doing $user | add-member doesn’t stay. I tried this a few hundred times. So, the for loop is going to be our friend. The reason for this is you can say where in the original loop you want to go to. Lets start the loop shall we.
The Script
for (($I = 0); $I -lt $Users.count; $I++ ) {
if ($Null -ne $Users[$I].Licenses) {
for (($A = 0); $A -lt $Users[$I].Licenses.count; $A++) {
$Los = $Users[$I].Licenses[$A].AccountSkuID
$Lose = $SKU | where-object { $_.SKU -like $Los }
if ($Null -ne $Lose) {
$Users[$I].Licenses[$A] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LiceDisplayName" -Value $Lose.Name
else {
$Users[$I].Licenses[$A] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LiceDisplayName" -Value "N/A"
The first part is the for loop. We start the loop at 0. ($I = 0) we start at 0 because arrays start at 0. Then we will continue this loop while $I is less than the total user count. Each loop will increase the $I by 1 using the $I++. This is a basic for loop setup. This will give us the index of the users. The next step is the test to see if the user has licenses.
if ($Null -ne $Users[$I].Licenses) {}
A few things with this if statement. First the $Null is on the left. The reason for that is because we evaluate nothing first. Then if the next thing even has something in it, it triggers right off the bat. If it doesn’t, then we else out. Thus, having $Null on the left is faster. Next notice the $Users[$I]. This is basically we want the Object at index of $I. Each time the loop process, that $I increases. Thus, we go through the loop. Finally we are looking at the .Licenses. If It doesn’t have a licenses, we don’t want to evaluate anything. We will leave this alone. Now if it does, then we get to have our fun. Normally users have more than one license inside their profile. Thus, we have more than one loop.
for (($A = 0); $A -lt $Users[$I].Licenses.count; $A++) {}
Now notice, I replaced $I with $A, but I changed up the condition. If $A is less than the current index of $users licenses count. Then we increase $A by 1 with the $A++. Now we are within the user array within a user and evaluating licenses. We are going deep.
$Los = $Users[$I].Licenses[$A].AccountSkuID
$Lose = $SKU | where-object { $_.SKU -like $Los }
So here we are grabbing that AccountSkuID with our $Los variable. Then we compare from our Imported $SKUs we downloaded and imported earlier. We place that inside the $Lose value. So now we have the Displayname and the SKU name.
To prevent any errors, we check $Lose to see if it’s null. I it is, then we want to place the information into it differently. This way later when we look at the data we don’t get some odd errors.
Finally the meat and potatoes of why we are here. We want to add that Display name for that sku. So let’s do that. We want the current $I user. We want the current $A licenses. Once we have both of those, we want to use add-member to add a note property. We want to name it something different than just DisplayName because that is everywhere. So, I like to use smaller names. I used $Lice. You can use Displayname, or not. I’m just odd.
$Users[$I].Licenses[$A] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LiceDisplayName" -Value $Lose.Name
As we loop through this process, it will add the Display name to each license inside the array. This way you can report on it later. In the else part of our test, we place the note property name the same but the value would be “N/A” or something along those lines. As long as it’s not null, we are safe. Below is a visual that might help understand how this loop works. The User object (Black) is the I. The LIcenses are multi-color. A. All of it lives within the User Array which is Purple.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
by David | Mar 16, 2021 | Deployments, Help Desk, Information Technology, PowerShell, Resources
I don’t like working with Citrix receiver. They drive me crazy. One version doesn’t work with the other and so on and so forth. Then finding the one you need is a pain. Thankfully, the workspace is a little better at this process. Many of my clients have recently updated their back end so the new workspace will work for them. It only took a while. So, I built a script that automatically downloads the newest version and installs it accordingly. It wasn’t until later did I realize someone else did this already. But the one I made is a little better as it doesn’t run into the conflict of pulling the version number, at least in my humble opinion. This time we will start off with the script for us lazy admins. If you want to learn how it works, keep reading on.
The Script
IF (!(Test-Path c:\temp)){New-Item -Path c:\ -Name Temp -ItemType "directory"}
IF (!(Test-Path c:\temp\Citrix)) {New-Item -Path c:\temp -Name Citrix -ItemType "directory"}
$StartTime = (Get-Date).tostring("yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss")
$Logname = "C:\temp\Citrix\Install_$StartTime.log"
$DownloadFullPath = "C:\temp\Citrix\Installer_$StartTime.exe"
"Log: $($startTime): Started" > $Logname
try {
$CitrixPage = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri ("") -SessionVariable websession
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Accessed" >> $Logname
} catch {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Failed to access" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Site Error: Site not accessible"
$DownloadLink = $CitrixPage.Links | Where-Object {$_.rel -like "*CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe*"}
$URL = "Https:$($DownloadLink.rel)"
try {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -OutFile $DownloadFullPath
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Download $URL to $DownloadFullPath" >> $Logname
} catch {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Failed to download $URL to $DownloadFullPath" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Site Error: Download Failure"
try {
$Install = Start-Process -FilePath $DownloadFullPath -ArgumentList '/silent /forceinstall /AutoUpdateCheck=disabled /noreboot' -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Install: $($LogTime): Installing $DownloadFullPath" >> $Logname
} catch {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Install: $($LogTime): $DownloadFullPath Failed to Install" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Install Error"
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Sleep: Sleep for 420 Seconds for install" >> $Logname
Start-Sleep -Seconds 420
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Sleep: Stop Sleep" >> $Logname
$Programs = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_product
$Citrix = $Programs | where-object {$ -like "Citrix*Workspace*Browser"}
if ($null -ne $Citrix) {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Check: $($LogTime): $($Citrix.Caption) - $($Citrix.Version) Installed on: $($Citrix.Installdate.tostring())" >> $Logname
} else {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Check: $($LogTime): Install Failed" >> $Logname
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadFullPath -Force
The Break Down
Lets break this guy down. The first part is we are testing if the c:\temp folder exists. If it doesn’t then we will create it. Then we test if the Citrix folder exists, if it doesn’t, once again, we create it. We do this with the Test-Path for testing and the New-Item cmdlets.
IF (!(Test-Path c:\temp)){New-Item -Path c:\ -Name Temp -ItemType "directory"}
IF (!(Test-Path c:\temp\Citrix)) {New-Item -Path c:\temp -Name Citrix -ItemType "directory"}
Now we have the folders we will be using created, we need to move to creating the first log entry. We want this log to have a timestamp on it that matches the downloaded installer. To do this, we need to get the datetime first. While doing that we will create the filename of the log and the file name of the download path. This way it’s easier to work with later on in the script. We do this by using the Get-Date cmdlet. Normally the Get-Date cmdlet outputs is an object. Which isn’t very useful in a file name since it contains forbidden characters. (Not forbidden like slifer the sky dragon). A translation is required. We do this with the .tostring() method. Notice the way we format it.
- y = year
- M = Month
- d = day
- h = hour
- m = minute
- s = seconds
$StartTime = (Get-Date).tostring("yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss")
We then use the $StartTime variable inside the log name and the download pathname. This is done by a string with the variable inside of it. Next will be to create the log. We do this with a simple > which means out and create. >> means out and append. Notice in the example below we $($StartTime) we do this because the next character is a :. Inside PowerShell, you can do things like $Global:Var which tells the shell to keep that var in memory for other functions to use. This means the : is a command character. This is why we wrap the start time variable inside a $(). Powershell will only print what is inside the $(). Finally, take note of the > $Logname. We will be using $Logname more inside this script. This is why we created the variable.
$Logname = "C:\temp\Citrix\Install_$StartTime.log"
$DownloadFullPath = "C:\temp\Citrix\Installer_$StartTime.exe"
"Log: $($startTime): Started" > $Logname
Now we have the start of the log. It’s time to get the installer. In the past, we would just go to the download link and add that to a download script. However, recently Citrix changed how they download. They have tacked on an additional piece of code. Everything past the GDA is that special code they have tacked on to stop direct downloading. However, we have PowerShell on our side.
The first thing we want to do is setup a try catch. This way we can catch errors and log them. Also we can break the script with an error message that is useful. This way if you are deploying out with something like continuum or PDQ your error message makes sense. Inside the try, we want to get the webpage itself. Then log that we grabbed information. The cmdlet to get the website is Invoke-webrequest. In the below example I am using the -usebasicparsing because it’s more compatible with websites and with systems. My goal is to launch this thing to 100+ machines. The -Uri is for the website itself and finally, we use the -sessionvariable as a websession. This allows us to grab data easier, especially if it’s auto-generated, like in this case.
$CitrixPage = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri ("") -SessionVariable websession
After we grab the website, we have to log the event. We do the same thing we did with $StartTime and place it in the file we created a few moments ago.
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Accessed" >> $Logname
If these commands fail for whatever reason, the website is down, the internet is blocking, anything, we need to know that the site can’t be reached. This is why we have a log. We create the same as the $logime but this time we also add a write-error and a break command. The write-error command will send an error to a deployment software, This way we know what’s going on. The break command breaks the script at that point and doesn’t continue.
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Failed to access" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Site Error: Site not accessible"
Lets put them together inside the try catch so you can see what it looks like.
try {
$CitrixPage = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri ("") -SessionVariable websession -DisableKeepAlive
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Accessed" >> $Logname
} catch {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Failed to access" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Site Error: Site not accessible"
Now we have the website itself inside a variable. It’s time to find what we need. The $CitrixPage contains different elements inside of it. Each item can give you information. The Rawcontent is just like it sounds, raw content of the page. While status code can give you information about if the site is up or what condition it is in. In this case, we will be looking at the links and status code. We check if the site has a good status of 200, if it doesn’t, then we don’t want to battle that battle. Thus we log and break like before. If it does, however, we want to take apart the links and find the one that contains the exe that we need. We do this with a where-object cmdlet. We search the .rel for the *CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe. Because the .links sometimes produces incomplete links, we have to build them. That’s the second step is to build the link. We will wrap the outcome inside an https: string.
if ($CitrixPage.statuscode -eq 200) {
$DownloadLink = $CitrixPage.Links | Where-Object {$_.rel -like "*CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe*"}
$URL = "Https:$($DownloadLink.rel)"
} else {
"Site: $($LogTime): Site Status Code $($CitrixPage.StatusCode)" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Site Error: Status Code $($CitrixPage.StatusCode)"
Now we have the custom URL for the download, we need to download the file itself. Remember the $DownloadFullPath we created a while ago. It’s time to use it. We will be using the invoke-webrequest once again as well. This time we will use the -OutFile cmdlet. This cmdlet of invoke-webrequest will download the file as requested from the url provided. Of course, we want to wrap all of this inside of a try catch. This way we can log correctly and break as needed.
try {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -OutFile $DownloadFullPath
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Download $URL to $DownloadFullPath" >> $Logname
} catch {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Site: $($LogTime): Failed to download $URL to $DownloadFullPath" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Site Error: Download Failure"
Now we have the installer to work with. The filename has the same time/date stamp as the log file so we can compare if the script doesn’t finish up correctly. Next we will start the process of another try catch to install the program. The command we will use is the Start-Process command. We start the $DownloadFullPath for the file name. We want this thing to be quiet and overwrite everything else there. Citrix, if given the /forceinstall will force the install by uninstalling the last version. Finally we tell it not to reboot with the /noreboot. Once we get past the arguments, we want to make sure we have the information from this thus we put the -passthru flag. This will allow us to store the information into a variable if we want to use that information later. The final part of the command is the -erroraction. We want this thing to stop if it hits an error. This way we know that something is broken. Then we log accordingly and catch accordingly like above.
try {
$Install = Start-Process -FilePath $DownloadFullPath -ArgumentList '/silent /forceinstall /AutoUpdateCheck=disabled /noreboot' -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Install: $($LogTime): Installing $DownloadFullPath" >> $Logname
} catch {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Install: $($LogTime): $DownloadFullPath Failed to Install" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Install Error"
We are almost done! This program takes an average of 5 minutes on older machines to install. Thus we sleep for 7 minutes. To do this we use the command Start-Sleep and set the -seconds to 420 seconds. We also make sure we log this information.
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Sleep: Sleep for 420 Seconds for install" >> $Logname
Start-Sleep -Seconds 420
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Sleep: Stop Sleep" >> $Logname
As we are not in a hurry, we use the PowerShell command Get-CimInstance to get the products and sort through that to find the Citrix Workplace Browser using the where-object cmdlet.
$Programs = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_product
$Citrix = $Programs | where-object {$ -like "Citrix*Workspace*Browser"}
Finally we check to see if the install was successful or not. This is done with a simple $null -ne $something. We do it this way because we first load nothing and start to compare nothing to something. if something is there, then we know the statement is true and stop processing. Very simple concept. If $Citrix does contain something we log that the install was successful and remove the installer. If we find $Citrix is $null, then we log the error and error out once again.
if ($null -ne $Citrix) {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Check: $($LogTime): $($Citrix.Caption) - $($Citrix.Version) Installed on: $($Citrix.Installdate.tostring())" >> $Logname
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadFullPath -Force
} else {
$LogTime = (Get-date).tostring("yyyy:MM:dd-hh:mm:ss")
"Check: $($LogTime): Install Failed" >> $Logname
Write-Error "Install: Install not complete."
With all good scripts, there is always room for improvement. The one that is blaring is the waiting for the install. This should really be a loop checking files or a registry key. If the file or key is not present, then continue to way 30 seconds. This would speed up the process as some computers process faster while others do not.
The second is the get-ciminstance because this is a slow command. We can improve the speed of this command by targeting once again either a file or a registry key instead. This way we can prove it was installed without the 30 to 60 second wait for the get-ciminstance to do its thing.
As always, If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
by David | Feb 13, 2021 | Information Technology, PowerShell
Do you need to audit your azure tenant for Licensed users vs non-licensed users? There is a simple way to do this using the MSOnline module. If you don’t have the MSOline module installed, you will need to install it. The big thing is this module only works on Powershell 5.1. So, let’s install and import our Module
Install-Module -Name MSOnline -Force
Import-Module MSOnline
Next step is to connect to the tenant. We do this with connect-msolservice. If you are doing this via the console, you can use the -Credential flag. if you are using this from a script, you will need to setup the PS credential object yourself. In this example, we are going to use the default console.
Connect-MsolService -Credential (Get-Credential)
Now we need to grab the users from the system. I want to grab all the users so we can audit accordingly. With the default Get-Msoluser you can select just the unlicensed users. You can even do the reconciled users. The way we get the all users is the -All flag.
$Users = Get-MsolUser -All
To gather the difference between the licenses and the non-licensesd we will use a where-object command.
$LicensedUsers = $Users | where-object {$_.islicensed -eq $true}
$UnLicensedUsers = $Users | where-object {$_.islicensed -eq $false}
Now we have a clear cut difference between the licensed and unlicensed users. We can continue to audit. If you just want the unlicensed users you can use the -UnlicensedUsersOnly flag.
$UnLicensedUsers = Get-MsolUser -UnlicensedUsersOnly
Unlicensed users can contain things like contacts and service accounts. So be careful. However, it does show users that might need to be given licenses. To filter out the contacts, all you have to do is remove the UserType Guest.
$NoContactUnLicensedUsers = $UnlicensedUsers | where-object {$_.UserType -ne "Guest"}
If you want to see the contacts, then you can just reverse this command and use the -eq instead of -ne.
$ContactUnLicensedUsers = $UnlicensedUsers | where-object {$_.UserType -eq "Guest"}
With the member only selected from the Unlicensed, you can review which ones needs the licenses and which ones do not.
Keep an look out, more azure auditing to come.
by David | Jan 14, 2021 | Information Technology, PowerShell
Do you need something to let your end-user know what’s going on? Don’t want your end-user to see the program running? Well, PowerShell has the ability to use the system windows notify system. AKA, the message box that pops up on the right of the screen.
The first step to make this happen is we need to add the assembly, We do this by the amazing command add-type.
add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Now we have the assemblies loaded into ram, we need to create an object from those assemblies. This way we can command the object later. We do this using the New-object cmdlet. We want the notification tray icons. So we want the
$global:balloon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
You know that notifications have icons. Yep, It’s from the application itself. So, if you have this function in another application, it will show that the application’s icon. We call upon the System.Drawing.Icon to do this. But First, we need to know which app we are currently using. We do this with Get-Process with the ID and the current Pid.
$path = (Get-Process -id $pid).Path
$balloon.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon($path)
What’s cool about this is we are extracting the icon of the application itself with that extract associated icon. We push it into our notify icon object. Next, we want to add the Tip Icon. That’s the ! ? so on and so forth. We do this by using the function. Believe it or not, we can use a validate set in the parameters to get the exact naming input as well. The property of the object is BalloonTipIcon.
$balloon.BalloonTipIcon = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon]::$Messagetype
Now the message itself. At this point we have an icon, the notification icon and that’s it. This is the meat of the notification. The propriety in the balloon object is, BalloonTipText.
$balloon.BalloonTipText = $Message
Just a quick note, to much text is ugly.
Next is the title, I like to use just the word attention as it brings the users eyes to it. The balloon’s propriety for this is BalloonTipTitle.
$balloon.BalloonTipTitle = "Attention"
Finally, we want to make this thing visible. An invisible tooltip is as useful as invisible ink without a black light. As you have guessed by now, Visible is the balloon’s propriety.
Now the drum roll, please! It’s time to show our masterpiece that will be enjoyed by the end-user for a split second. The ShowBalloonTip(). Yes, let us do it! This is a method and will show the balloon tip for x time. This is set up in milliseconds. So, every 1000 milliseconds makes a second.
Lets put it all together shall we. Behold the script of the balloon tip.
The Script
Function Invoke-SHDBallonTip {
param (
[string]$Message = "Your task is finished",
[int]$Time = 10000,
[validateset("Info", "Warning", "Error")][string]$Messagetype = "Info"
#Adds the reqruired assembly's for the ballon tips.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
#Creates the notifiy icon that will appear in the notification tray.
$global:balloon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$path = (Get-Process -id $pid).Path
$balloon.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon($path)
$balloon.BalloonTipIcon = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon]::$Messagetype
$balloon.BalloonTipText = $Message
$balloon.BalloonTipTitle = "Attention"
$balloon.Visible = $true
That’s it, folks. Such a simple thing. Here are a few things you can do. You can change the $path to $Path = Get-Process -id $PID. Then in the balloon.icon, use $path.path. In the balloon tip title, you can put $path.description and now you have the description as the title. Other than that, it’s pretty straight forward.
I would love to hear back from yall. Let me know if there is anything you would like for me to write about.
by David | Dec 23, 2020 | Information Technology, PowerShell
Today, I needed to convert a mac address to a CIDR. The lesson I learned about this is to go back to the basics instead of looking around for a quick answer. So, to the basics first.
A mac address is a 4 octet number that represents a binary position. It ranges between 1 and 255. This means something like is represented in binary as: 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000
It’s easier to remember the 255 number instead of all those ones and zeros. However, what’s that CIDR? Well, what’s a CIDR? A CIDR represents the mac address and how many positions there are. If you count the number above, it turns into 24 1s and 8 0s. Thus the CIDR is 24. Very simple.
Now, how do you change to a cidr? You can go to a chart and look or we can use PowerShell. The first thing we need to do is split up this string.
We split the string up with a split command and tell it to split it up by the . item. We use an exit \ because the . is a special character for regex. Next, we loop through this list of octets with a foreach-object loop.
$Mask -split '\.' | ForEach-Object {
Then we break down each octet into a binary number. We do this with a system.convert and tell it the number we bytes we want which is 2.
[System.Convert]::ToString($_, 2)
We then pad that information because sometimes 0s will produce more useless items.
([System.Convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, '0'))
The code above will give us the 1s and 0s of the binary number. Now we need to count the ones. We do this by converting the string to a char array with at .toochararray(). We search the string with a where-object for the number 1 and finally count it.
(([System.Convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')).tochararray() | where-object { $_ -eq '1' } | measure-object).count
Now we need to add each item up. We do this by adding a variable before the loop set to 0 and then add the variable to the variable and the count. Finally, after the loop, display the information.
$Cidr = 0
$Mask -split '\.' | ForEach-Object {
$Cidr = $Cidr + (([System.Convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')).tochararray() | where-object { $_ -eq '1' } | measure-object).count
That’s it yall! We count the number of 1s. That will give us our cidr count.
Have fun with the script!
function ConvertFrom-SHDIPv4MaskToCidr {
param (
$Cidr = 0
$Mask -split '\.' | ForEach-Object {
$Cidr = $Cidr + (([System.Convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')).tochararray() | where-object { $_ -eq '1' } | measure-object).count