This little script logs public IP address changes. The original design was to email out. I’ll make sure to point out when and where to put that code. So the idea is simple. It checks to see if it’s public IP address has changed using an invoke-webrequest. If it has changed, it checks to see if a log has been made. If it has been made, it updates the log, if it hasn’t been made, it creates the log. Then when the IP address changes back, it backs up the logs and stops. Lets take a look at the script.
The Script
Param (
[string]$IPAddress = "Your IP Address"
$IP = (invoke-webrequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).content
If (!(Test-Path C:\temp)) { New-Item -Path "c:\temp" -ItemType Directory }
if (!($IP -like "$IPAddress")) {
if (!(Test-Path c:\temp\IPTrigger.log )) {
#Email Code Goes Here
$Datetime = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")
"Datetime,IP" > c:\temp\IPTrigger.log
"$datetime,$IP" >> c:\temp\IPTrigger.log
else {
$Datetime = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")
"$datetime,$IP" >> c:\temp\IPTrigger.log
else {
if (Test-Path c:\temp\IPTrigger.log) {
$Datetime = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")
Copy-Item -Path c:\temp\IPTrigger.log -Destination "c:\temp\IPTrigger_$($datetime).log.bak"
Remove-Item -Path c:\temp\IPTrigger.log
#Email Code goes here with attachment of the log bak.
The Breakdown
We grab the IP address from the Paramters. This way you can have the script called Public-IPChecker -IPAddress Something from your task scheduler. After we get what the IP Address should be we get what It is with the Invoke-webrequest command.
There are a hand full of sites that grabs the IP address for you. I personally like because it places the IP address as the content. Thus no sorting through the HTML to get the IP address.
Next we ask if it’s the IP address. Then we ask if the log has been made.
if (!($IP -like "$IPAddress")) {
if (!(Test-Path c:\temp\IPTrigger.log )) {}
If it doesn’t exist, we create it by getting the DateTime into a file friendly format. and Piping that information into the log file along with the current IP address.
If the IP addresses do match then we test to see if the log file is there. If it is there we create a bak of the log file and remove the old one. This is when you can send an email saying it’s back up. If it doesn’t exist, we do nothing.
In the last blog, I talked about how to upload to your next cloud’s file drop, aka upload only, password-protected folder. This time we will go over how to download from a password-protected folder. Let’s go over how to share out a file with a secure password.
Password-Locked Single File
Navigate to the file you wish to share out.
Click on the file in question.
Click the share link + symbol.
Checkbox the “Password Protect”
Enter a new secure password.
Document the password!
Click the Arrow to set the password
click the Clipboard to copy the link.
In another browser, navigate to the link to make sure it works.
Password Protected
After password
Now we have the File shared, it’s time to download it.
The share ID
The Share Password
The URL of the nextcloud site.
The file name/location of where you will save the file.
Now you have those pieces of information, you can start the process of creating the header. Let’s look at the Variables first.
The Authorization type is going to be basic. We are going to convert the shareid and the sharepassword into the UTF8 so our nextcloud can understand it. We want all that as a base 64. So we create the string with “$($ShareID):$($SharePassword)” and push that into our System.Text.Encoding UTF8. Using the method GetByes. All that is then put into the System.Convert base of 64 string, aka password.
Next, we tell the site what we are requesting, we are requesting the XML HTTP request. Next, we will create the URL that will be used by the rest method.
$URL = "$($NextCloudURL)public.php/webdav"
Now we create the invoke-restmethod to download the file in question.
Now that we covered password locked, it’s time to look at the non-password locked. This is a single line item. Like above, just don’t create a password. Copy the URL.
Navigate to the file that you wish to share
clickt he share icon
Click the share link +
Copy the Link
This is a single-line command. The copied item will be the URL/shareID. If you place a /download at the end, it will download accordingly. Nice right. Its even nicer with PowerShell.
That’s it! A simple invoke-webrequest. Now, let’s take it to a different level.
Download a single file from a shared Folder
If you share out a single folder, you can download the files directly from that folder if you know those file names, even if the file isn’t shared itself. Standard information is required. First, let’s make the shared folder.
Navigate to the folder you wish to share out.
Click the share icon.
Click the Share Link +
Click the 3 Dots.
Click the Password Protect
Enter a new password
Document the new password
Click the Arrow beside the password
Click the clip board to copy the link
Here are the items you are going to need to setup this command.
The URL of the next cloud
The Share ID
The Share Password
The File name you are going to download.
The filename/location where you will be downloading too.
The share this time is the folder. So we are authing to that folder. This is great because if you forget the password later, it’s in the script. Next, we grab the file using the invoke-restmethod.
Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Header $Header -uri "$($NextCloudURL)public.php/webdav/$($Filename)" -OutFile $Outfilepath
Notice at the end of the URL, the $($filename). This is the filename inside the share. So we are looking for that file to download. That’s all, take a look at the script.
I love my nextcloud. It is hosted at my house, and I can upload files from anywhere in the world. It’s very clean, and one of the most awesome features is the file drop. I use scripts to upload the results all the time to the file drop location on my next cloud. A file drop is an upload-only file location. This means the outside world can not see the files inside of it. Only I can do that. I can also password lock this file drop location so only those with the password can get into it. It’s pretty cool.
How to setup a File Drop
I am going to assume you have a nextcloud. Once you log in, click the + icon to create a folder. We will call it PFD for password file drop and click the arrow to create.
Create file drop
Now we will set up the sharing side with the password lock.
Click the PFD folder to open the menu on the right hand side.
Click the sharing icon
Click the share link +.
Click the three dots
Radio check the File Drop (Upload Only)
Check the Password Protect
It will auto generate a password, It’s best to make your own.
Document your password!
Click the arrow to save the password
Click the clip board to copy the link for your new share
In a different browser test your link.
Before Password
After Password
Now you have a safe place for the files to go. It’s time to upload files via PowerShell. You will need a few items. First the URL of your site. example https:\\ Next, you will need the shareID of the folder in question. That can be found in your URL at the end. Example
The URL. For this example we will be using
The shareID of the directory in question. It is the last part of the main url that we copied by clicking the clip board. I have bolded it for you in this example:
Next you will need the password.
Those are the three things you will need to create your invoke-restmethod. Lets build the script. Lets declare our variables.
Now the hard part. We need to create the header. This is where we will be placing the passwords and the type of information we are going to be accessing.
The Authorization type is going to be basic. We are going to convert the shareid and the sharepassword into the UTF8 so our nextcloud can understand it. We want all that as a base 64. So we create the string with “$($ShareID):$($SharePassword)” and push that into our System.Text.Encoding UTF8. Using the method GetByes. All that is then put into the System.Convert base of 64 string, aka password.
Next, we tell the site what we are requesting, we are requesting the XML HTTP request. Next, we will create the URL that will be used by the rest method.
Now we have the Header that will be needed for our rest method. We have the URL. now we need the method and the file. We do the file by using the -InFile and select the full name of the file $Item.Fullname. The method will be PUT as we are putting something somewhere.
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URLBuild -InFile $Item.Fullname -Headers $Headers -Method Put
Now it’s time to put it all together into a workable function.
WSD is an awesome service for printers. It goes out and finds a printer on the network and adds it accordingly. It does all the IP address stuff for you. Which is awesome. It even tells you that it was set up as a wsd by naming the port wsd and some code. Super friendly. However… What happens when DHCP changes that IP address because someone forgot to do a reservation? How do you get that IP address? Believe it or not, that IP address is stored in the registry for the most part. Its located under the Hardware Local Machine > System > Current Control Set > Enum > SWD > DAFWSDProvider. Each entry has a friendly name and location information. The location information has the IP address like a web page. Powershell can give you this information pretty quickly with a single line as well. Let’s take a look.
Get-childitem is normally used in directories. The registry is a type of directory with files inside of it. So we use the get-childitem and treat the registry as a file path. We navigate to the DAFWSDProvider. Then we look at each file or in this case item property with Get-ItemProperty. We are looking for that FriendlyName and the LocationInformation. The location information will look like because it is treating the IP address as a webpage. Still unsure why. The above command will list all of the printers like this. If it has an IP address, it will appear there.
Now we can wrap this up in a nice little function for remote computers.
Passwords can be hard to make for people, especially kids and older users. That’s where Dino Passwords come into play. You can make simple and yet complex passwords using this service. This service also has a simple API to work with. I personally like using the API with new user creation scripts. The API is a single line with the invoke-webrequest command let.
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