Clear Print Jobs with PowerShell

Clear Print Jobs with PowerShell

During my in-house days, one of the things I had to do constantly was clear people's print jobs. So I learned to Clear Print Jobs with Powershell to make my life easier. It surely did. With PowerShell I could remotely clear the print jobs as most of my machines were...

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Ping Test with PowerShell

Ping Test with PowerShell

Anyone who has been in IT long enough has performed a Ping Test. A simple ping and IP address. Most of us have used the "Ping >> c:\pingtest.txt" to see how many times something failed. But did you know you can do the same thing with PowerShell? It's also much...

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Run as an Administrator

Run as an Administrator

When building out scripts, we must consider different ways they will fail. One of the ways I have seen them fail is through the UAC of a computer. The script needs to be run by an administrator. The question is, How do you check if you are running as an Administrator?...

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Test a Registry Value with PowerShell

Test a Registry Value with PowerShell

The other day I needed to test if a registry key was present on an end user's computer and make it if it didn't exist. I performed a registry key value test with PowerShell. Since I was doing more than one, I pulled an older tool from my tool box for this one. It's...

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Monitor Discovery Through PowerShell

Monitor Discovery Through PowerShell

Today, in the field, we will discover a user's monitors through PowerShell. This is very useful for any kind of RMM tool. I used this script with PDQ and Continuum. You can also run this script with backstage. Let's take a look at the script for Monitor Discovery. The...

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Windows Updates With Powershell

Windows Updates With Powershell

At a previous company, we had to maintain windows updates without WSUS. This caused some unique complexities. Back then, all machines in question were Microsoft Surface Tablets. This means that driver updates were important. Thus, I created a one-liner to update...

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Custom Compliance Policy Scripts

Custom Compliance Policy Scripts

Custom Compliance Policy Scripts will change how you build out compliance policies. In order to make a Custom Compliance Policy Script, you first must have Intune. You can review the licenses here. Once you have the proper licensing you should be able to log into the...

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Set Users’ MFA

Set Users’ MFA

It's time to Set Users' MFA with a nice little function. This function is designed to gather information and set a user's MFA with the method you want. It even allows you to reset and disable MFA. We are going to break this blog up a little differently. We will go...

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