The Random Admin

Welcome to the random admin – a hub for system administrators passionate about teaching and leveraging technology to support local businesses. Explore our diverse topics. In my journey, I’ve gained insights into mental health, integrating it into my work to foster unexpected growth in others. At the random admin, I merge mental health and IT through engaging stories, offering a unique blend of knowledge and self-understanding.

Microsoft Graph API PowerShell

In the last blog, We talked about how to create a registered app with Graph API permissions. This app's main purpose is to become the base for an employee directory through Powershell. If you haven't read it yet, you can here. Today's blog is about how to interact...

Microsoft Graph API

Back in November Microsoft released v1.0 of graph API. Along with it is a large library of documentation. I have been hesitant about making a blog post about Graph for a while because the community seemed to be split on how PowerShell should interact with it. Now the...

Powershell – Open File Dialog

I was building a script for my manager the other day and inside the script, he wanted us to triple check the naming of a file path. He went as far as to have us copy the file path from the browser. Paste it, Then click rename on the file itself and copy that and paste...

Fact Prank with Powershell

I love a good prank. Sometimes pranks need to challenge us. I coded a good prank and it requires a scheduled task and a little bit of PowerShell. The idea behind the prank is the computer will alert you with a beep, then read a random fact to you. Then it closes off...

Batch – Chrome and Self-built URLs

A previous job of mine had a unique issue. Unstandardized google chromes and self-generated icons. Both of these issues caused a lot of heartaches. Today I will show you how I solved the issue of unstandardized google chromes with batch. At the time the company's...

Group Policy How-To – Folders

Whenever we get a new client, one of the first things we do is create a new folder on the root of C called temp. If that client has a group policy we create a policy just for that. This guide is a simple one, it's how to create a folder with group policy. This post...

Powershell HTML Reports

From time to time, you will be asked to create a web report with data that can only be easily obtained by PowerShell. There are hundreds of modules out there that can do this, which is very nice. This blog isn't about those modules, but instead some tricks I have...

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