The Random Admin

Welcome to the random admin ā€“ a hub for system administrators passionate about teaching and leveraging technology to support local businesses. Explore our diverse topics. In my journey, I’ve gained insights into mental health, integrating it into my work to foster unexpected growth in others. At the random admin, I merge mental health and IT through engaging stories, offering a unique blend of knowledge and self-understanding.

Find Duplicates in an Array

Need to find duplicates in an array? It's as simple as using a group object. So we take an array, and group the array by property or group of properties. Then we search those groups for any group that has a count of 2 or greater. Then we display those groups. Here is...

How to speed up your Computer

The goal of this blog is to show you a way to speed up a computer using basic software commands/programs. I use these daily and I have seen them work. Sometimes they don't sometimes they do. Disk Cleanup Disk cleanup is a powerful built-in tool that allows you to...

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