WordPress for Free
Today's post is a formula that you can use to get a decent server and install WordPress on it. This is the setup for this site, and it works like magic. This is a self-hosted WordPress for free. Oracle Always Free Teir Oracle offers an always free tier for servers. This is an arm server and it does wonders. 8 Cores and 24 gb of ram with up to 200...
1000 Faces
Need 1000 or unique user photos for your lab? There is a great website for just such a thing. https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/image. Let's break down some code to see how we can pull a few hundred pictures. The first thing we need to know is how many we want. We...
Numlock On Startup
I hate it when I start up my PC and my number lock is turned off. Did you know you can set this to be automatic. Yep that's right, automatic. Start up powershell as administrator and run the single line of code below. Then you should be set to go. Set-Itemproperty...