Building Parameters for Commands
One of my favorite things with powershell is building out splat parameters for commands through the main parameter set. Today we are going to go over how that is done. We are going to do this through the Get-childitem and get-ACL. These are some mighty commands and they can help you find permission gaps quickly and easily. Let us Building...
Install Sentinel One with Intune
It's time to Install Sentinel One. In this blog, we are going to go through the process of installing Sentinel One through Intune. We are going to be using the IntuneWinAppUtil program, and the MSI download of Sentinel one that you can obtain from your Sentinel one...
Perch Log Shipper with Intune
Ever wanted to deploy perch with intune, now you can.
Handle with PowerShell
Lets talk about Handle. Handle is an amazing program that allows you to see which program has access over a folder or file. This is a sysintel tool. Working with handle inside your powershell script is not a native thing. The first thing you will want to do is...