Windows 11 VM on Hyper-V with PowerShell
Learn how to set up a Windows 11 VM on Hyper-V using PowerShell, including remote desktop access and domain joining, with our guide.
Emails with Graph API
Last week we spoke about finding disabled users with licensing using PowerShell and graph API. Today, we will be expanding from that blog. We are going to send the results ourselves. Next week, we will create this into an automation using application rights and azure...
Find Disabled Users with Graph API and Powershell
Microsoft licensing can cost a lot of money. It's not logical to have a disabled account have licenses. Some licenses can cost up to $25 USD a month. So if you have 4 of these disabled accounts with licenses, that could easily be 100 per month. Let us Find Disabled...
Is It S.A.F.E.S.
Do you struggle with any kind of addiction? Well, I should say, what is your addiction? Everyone has one. Each addiction is held to society's standards which they live in. For example, here in America, overworking is praised while in other mature countries, it's...