Group Policy Troubleshooting – Stale DNS

Group Policy Troubleshooting – Stale DNS

This one was a fun one that really threw me for a loop. DNS is an issue no matter where you go. Recently facebook showed the world how DNS can take everything down. DNS in your domain is very important to keep alive and healthy. Having items sit in your DNS is deadly to your org. That is why something called DNS Scavenging exists. This story is a story about DNS and how it directly affected group policy.

Scenario – Wrong Server!

A client called and stated that group policy wasn’t applied to a single machine. He said he couldn’t even log into the machine with new accounts, just accounts that were on there from the day before. He went as far as to say that a user that just changed his password had to use his old password. Very interesting combo of items.

Who, What, Where, When, How

  • Who: Anyone using this computer. Users who never signed into the machine, and users who has signed in but changed their passwords recently.
  • What: Login with thier current passwords, Login, Group Policy not applying.
  • Where: This single machine, later on discovered another.
  • When: One week before the issue started. (After DHCP was edited)
  • How: When they log in.

When I first came in, I looked at the machine in question. I ran an IPconfig /all on the machine to get basic information. I marked down the IP, subnet, mac address, DNS servers, and the DHCP server. I then ran the gpresult /r and the command errored out saying the group policy server did not respond. Hum… I pinged the DNS I noted and the ping came back. I ran NSLookup on the dns server’s IP address to get a hostname. The hostname came back as “xxx-bobsmacbook”. Well now, that’s not the DNS server. I asked the client for the DNS server information. He gladly gave it to me. I RDPed into the DNS server. The DNS server was also the DHCP server and the AD server. All the fsmo roles were on this machine. Sigh… Ok, other than that, I deep-dived into DNS because the NSLookup came back as someone’s mac book. Sure enough, there was an entry into DNS from about 2 years before for bobsmacbook at the IP address the machine believed was the DNS server. Infact, every IP address in the subnet was inside there. Most of them were years old.

I looked at the client and asked why their DNS was so full of old records. He replied with, that’s our archive. It took everything in me not to facepalm. I mean, my hand moved instinctively to my face. After explaining the importance of DNS to the client, the client agreed to enable DNS Scavenging. Wouldn’t you know it, after the first rotation, the entire company started to move much quicker. Requests to the IIS server took only seconds instead of minutes. Copying files across the network just generally did better. NSlookup worked. The computer in question group policy was updated correctly. When DNS breaks, everything suffers. In this case, DNS was a young man covered in trash bags.

How to enable DNS Scavenging

DNS Scavenging is an windows feature that finds old stale records and removes them. This ensures environments with DHCP do not detect multiple devices based on bad/multiple DNS entries for the same device. Here are the steps to enable it.

  1. Start > Programs > Administrative tools > DNS > DNS Manager.
  2. Right click the DNS Server
  3. Click set Aging/Scavenging for all zones.
  4. Check box the “Scavenge Stale Resources Records
  5. Select the No-refresh and Refresh intervals totals combined equals to or is less than the DHCP lease. If the lease is 8 days, set the rates at 4 each.
  6. Click Ok.
  7. On the Server Aging/Scavenging Confirmation screen, check box the “Apply these settings to existing active directory intergrated zones.”
    1. Click ok
  8. (Optional) Right click the DNS server and click the “Scavenage State Resource Records” to start the process.

There you have it. The DNS records will be purged when the time comes. This allows DHCP to issue IP addresses with no problems and DNS stays clean.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Resolve a Site name to Geo Location

Resolve a Site name to Geo Location

With everything that happened with Facebook yesterday, I began to wonder where does my query goes when I type in So, I did a few things and found out. The first thing I did was resolve the name to an IP address, or group of IP addresses in this case with the command resolve-dnsname.

Resolve-DnsName -Name

Then from there, I used the site, to pull the location information of the IP address. This awesome little site gives you city, state, country, zip codes, and even the ISP information of an IP address.

$Info = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -URI "$IP"

That’s the base of the code that we will explore. It’s very straightforward, but I want to clean it up some. I want to make a Get GEO IP information and a Resolve DNSname to Geo IP. I want it to all work together even if there is multiple IP addresses and hosts names. So, lets start off with the scripts and break them down. This will contain two functions for what we are wanting.


function Get-SHDGeoIP {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ipaddress[]]$IPAddress,
    foreach ($IP in $IPAddress) {
        $Info = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -URI "$IP"
        if ($Complete) {
        else {
                IPAddress = $info.Query
                City      = $
                State     = $Info.regionName
                Country   = $
                ISP       = $Info.isp

This script is going to pull the geo information for us. We start off with the parameters. We are testing the parameters to see if the IP address is an valid IP address. We do that with [ipaddress]. This tests for both IPv4 and IPv6. We tell it to be a array of IPaddresses with the [] inside of it. [ipaddress[]]. Just for cleaner fun, I have a switch for a complete information dump. This way

Since this is an array of IP addresses, we will start a foreach loop for each IP address in the array. We start the foreach loop by grabbing the IP information. If the user selected complete, we just dump the information we gathered to the user. if they didn’t select complete, we create a custom object with the IP address, city, state, country and ISP information.


Function Resolve-SHDDNSNameToGeoIP {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string[]]$Hostname,
    foreach ($Name in $Hostname) {
        if ($Complete) {
            Get-SHDGeoIP -IPAddress (Resolve-DnsName -Name $Name).IPAddress -Complete
        else { 
            Get-SHDGeoIP -IPAddress (Resolve-DnsName -Name $Name).IPAddress

The next function uses the previous function and combines it with Resolve-DnsName. We start off with a list of strings for our hostname parameter and our complete parameter. We start our loop like before of the host names. Then we use the Get-SHDGeoIP -IPAddress command with the Resolve-DnsName -Name and the link name. We then select the IP addresses which is an array. We place that array inside the Get-SHDGeoIP and bam, we have our information. Converting a hostname like to IP information.

With these two little scripts, you will be able to find quick information about a website and where it is being hosted. For example, this site is hosted in new jersey. I personally didn’t know that.

Let me know if you use this and how.