Numlock On Startup

Numlock On Startup

I hate it when I start up my PC and my number lock is turned off. Did you know you can set this to be automatic. Yep that's right, automatic. Start up powershell as administrator and run the single line of code below. Then you should be set to go. Set-Itemproperty...

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Tattooing with Group Policy

Tattooing with Group Policy

No, we are not using group policy to put your skull and crossbones tattoo on people. Tattooing is in reference to policies that make changes to the registry that are not removed after the policy is removed. These changes are Permanent and require the admin to manually...

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2FA and Outlook

2FA and Outlook

A friend's company turned on 2fa for their office 365. When people logged into they were prompted to 2-factor authenticate with the system. Some choose to call in, some choose text, and others choose the app. It was doing good, but outlook gave them...

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Ever need a service that copies a single folder to multiple locations at once? This script will do just that. It will copy a single location to more than one location and even log the outcomes accordingly. Thus, you will be able to set this one up as a task and run it...

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Invoke File Service Integrity Check

Invoke File Service Integrity Check

This little script will allow you to check a folder location, if that folder location has x number of files, it will restart the service of your choice on a target computer. Then it will log that information and finally it will email someone this information. function...

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Copy A User’s Group to Other Users

Copy A User’s Group to Other Users

Often times I am asked to give user a the same rights as user b. Since everything is setup with groups, this is easy to do. All I have to do is copy all the security groups to the new users. Normally I would use the command Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership whoever, that...

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Get Lock Out Info From DC

Get Lock Out Info From DC

Have you ever had trouble getting lockout information for a single user? The DCs have the logs, but getting them can be tough. The core idea is to use the Get-Winevent command to gather the logs needed. Doing this from a remote computer is time-consuming. However,...

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Mental Health Links

Mental Health Links

I have been through a few years of hard times with mental health. Mental health is no joke. Mental health is Health and that's final. This Mental Health Links page is designed to help those struggling with mental health. In the IT field, over 89% of techs feel like...

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Access PDQ Info with Powershell

Access PDQ Info with Powershell

You read that right, access PDQ information with PowerShell. You will need the PS SQL Lite module first. This module will allow you to access the SQL lite server. The second thing you will need is a Powershell script on the server accessing the module information....

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