The Random Admin

Welcome to the random admin – a hub for system administrators passionate about teaching and leveraging technology to support local businesses. Explore our diverse topics. In my journey, I’ve gained insights into mental health, integrating it into my work to foster unexpected growth in others. At the random admin, I merge mental health and IT through engaging stories, offering a unique blend of knowledge and self-understanding.

Print to All printers!

Recently I came into a company where their printers were called printer 1, printer 2... and so on and so forth. It was amazing. No one knew which printer went where, and I was asked to make some kind of sense of it. Since I had the support of the people, why not print...

1000 Faces

Need 1000 or unique user photos for your lab? There is a great website for just such a thing. Let's break down some code to see how we can pull a few hundred pictures. The first thing we need to know is how many we want. We...

Numlock On Startup

I hate it when I start up my PC and my number lock is turned off. Did you know you can set this to be automatic. Yep that's right, automatic. Start up powershell as administrator and run the single line of code below. Then you should be set to go. Set-Itemproperty...

Tattooing with Group Policy

No, we are not using group policy to put your skull and crossbones tattoo on people. Tattooing is in reference to policies that make changes to the registry that are not removed after the policy is removed. These changes are Permanent and require the admin to manually...

2FA and Outlook

A friend's company turned on 2fa for their office 365. When people logged into they were prompted to 2-factor authenticate with the system. Some choose to call in, some choose text, and others choose the app. It was doing good, but outlook gave them...


Ever need a service that copies a single folder to multiple locations at once? This script will do just that. It will copy a single location to more than one location and even log the outcomes accordingly. Thus, you will be able to set this one up as a task and run it...

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