Extra Registry Settings in Group Policy
While working with Group Policy this month, I ran across an oddity I have never seen before, "Extra Registry Settings" These were inside the default domain policy and I had no idea why they were there. So, I did some research. What are they? These keys come from when you have had an ADM or an ADMX installed. Then you create a policy. Later down...
SHD – Find Disabled OU
Have you ever started in a company and there was no documentation? The disabled OU isn't named "Disabled Users" and things are just what the heck? This powershell script will help find that disabled user OU. Believe it or not, it's a one liner. ((Get-ADUser -filter {...
SHD – Set Those Speakers
I hate it when someone calls and says they can't hear their video while on a terminal server. 99% of the time is because the sound is muted on the local computer. Believe it or not, this is very simple to solve. We do this by using wscript.shell. $Obj = New-Object...
SHD – Set Mac Structure
I hate it when you get a mac address that's not in the right format. Last week I got the mac address XX-XX-XX-XX when I needed to input it as XX:XX:XX:XX. So aggravating. So, here comes PowerShell to help. First, let's validate the mac address. Second, let's change...