General Uninstaller for Intune

General Uninstaller for Intune

This past month I was given a task to Uninstall a few applications in Intune. However, the app's uninstall feature did not work according to plan. However, a bunch of these worked with the cim methods of uninstall. Which I thought was funny. After writing a bunch of the same code over and over again, I decided to write a General Uninstaller for...

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It’s Ok to be you

Our American society is driven to force people to mask up and be something else. This is very true in IT. In IT, we are told we need to have a decade of rust experience, even though it isn't a decade old. Impossible standards are always around us, forcing us to...

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WordPress for Free

Today's post is a formula that you can use to get a decent server and install WordPress on it. This is the setup for this site, and it works like magic. This is a self-hosted WordPress for free. Oracle Always Free Teir Oracle offers an always free tier for servers....

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