General Uninstaller for Intune
This past month I was given a task to Uninstall a few applications in Intune. However, the app's uninstall feature did not work according to plan. However, a bunch of these worked with the cim methods of uninstall. Which I thought was funny. After writing a bunch of the same code over and over again, I decided to write a General Uninstaller for...
As the tree grows
Welcome to another mental health Monday. I'm going to be talking to myself big time today. Here in South Carolina, springtime is often met with confusion and a sense of making up your mind. The older trees will stay dormant longer than the younger trees. This leaves...
Clear Google Cache with Powershell
Yesterday I had to clear out a few users' google chrome cache. It was a little aggravating going computer by computer. We were doing this because recently a core web app was updated. The application left traces of itself in the Google Chrome Cache and it caused all...
SSH with Powershell
Recently I went over how to get information from the Unifi Controller. Now I want to show you how to grab information from the unifi device itself. In this example, we are going to use SSH with Powershell to pull some basic information from an unifi AP. SSH with...