PowerShell script block tutorial
Here, we'll learn how to use the & operator to run script blocks—your go-to PowerShell script block tutorial! You're not alone if you've ever thought PowerShell scripting was a little confusing. Today, we're simplifying the & operator, one of PowerShell's most important features, and making it really easy to use. Knowing how to use this...
Resolving KB5034439 error
While install the LB5034439 update, i received an error message of 0x80070643. Google failed me over and over. Every post I saw talked about using dism commands to repair the update. Which none of these resolved the issue. Finally microsoft dropped a useful article...
Docker and WordPress
It's time to build on our Docker knowledge. WordPress is a powerful web platform that a large part of the internet is built on. This site is built on WordPress. Whenever I am working on a site for a friend, I will build myself WordPress and then create their site...
Ladder With Docker
The other day I was searching for a piece of code for work. One of the links I clicked was geo locked to the EU only. Which threw me off. I didn't have a VPN on the computer. So what do you do? We use a web proxy. Last week we talked about a reverse proxy. A web proxy...