Ladder With Docker
The other day I was searching for a piece of code for work. One of the links I clicked was geo locked to the EU only. Which threw me off. I didn't have a VPN on the computer. So what do you do? We use a web proxy. Last week we talked about a reverse proxy. A web proxy is a website that you can use to look like you are from that site's hosts. Most...
Ping Test with PowerShell
Anyone who has been in IT long enough has performed a Ping Test. A simple ping and IP address. Most of us have used the "Ping >> c:\pingtest.txt" to see how many times something failed. But did you know you can do the same thing with PowerShell? It's also much...
Run as an Administrator
When building out scripts, we must consider different ways they will fail. One of the ways I have seen them fail is through the UAC of a computer. The script needs to be run by an administrator. The question is, How do you check if you are running as an Administrator?...
Test a Registry Value with PowerShell
The other day I needed to test if a registry key was present on an end user's computer and make it if it didn't exist. I performed a registry key value test with PowerShell. Since I was doing more than one, I pulled an older tool from my tool box for this one. It's...