My last weekly challenge to myself was to deploy google chrome with Powershell. This one was the hardest because it was hard to find the latest and greatest MSI 64 bit of google chrome. The coding wasn’t too hard after that. How google chrome works, follows suit the same way as firefox did.

The Script

$ChromeSource = ""
$Installer = "$ENV:TEMP\Google.msi"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ChromeSource -OutFile $Installer
Get-Process -Name "Chrome" | Stop-Process -Force
msiexec /i $Installer /qn /norestart
Remove-Item $Installer

The Breakdown

We first start off getting the latest enterprise edition of google chrome. This is the 64-bit version thus the most stable version on them all. This is the version I would install everywhere in a company if I had a choice.

$ChromeSource = ""

Then we create the installer path and download the file using the Invoke-webrequest with the Outfile as the installer path.

$Installer = "$ENV:TEMP\Google.msi"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ChromeSource -OutFile $Installer

Then we stop the google chrome process and install the latest version of google chrome using the msiexec command. Then we remove the installer.

Get-Process -Name "Chrome" | Stop-Process -Force
msiexec /i $Installer /qn /norestart
Remove-Item $Installer

That’s it. Very simple very straightforward. If you need to uninstall before installing (My testing was a success with overlapping the installers) then you can do the following before Installing google chrome:

$Chrome = Get-CimInstance win32_Product | where-object {$ -like "*Google*Chrome*"}
$Chrome | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Uninstall