Ping a /24 Subnet with Powershell

Ping a /24 Subnet with Powershell

A friend asked me how to ping a /24 subnet the other day. I thought it would be a good little blog post. This is a one-liner. Here we go. 1..254 | ForEach-Object {Test-Connection -ComputerName "10.10.1.$_" -Count 1 | Select-Object Source,Destination,Address,Status} |...

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Mitel Director NCC logs

Mitel Director NCC logs

One of the things that have helped me throughout my struggles with Mitel/Shoretel is the NCC logs inside the shoreline data folder. These logs can be hard to read, and very aggravating. Let's look at a log example. Below is a table that explains each of the call...

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Local Site Found by a Universal device

Local Site Found by a Universal device

We have multiple locations with backup hosted sites. These sites are designed to allow the end-user to access the information they need when the network is down. They are set up with a local database and some basic coding. However, the devices that communicate...

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Password Notifications

Password Notifications

I wanted to share a little script that has changed the world at my current company. It's a simple password email notification script. What it does is grabs the users' whos passwords about to expire. Then it emails that user with instructions on how to reset their...

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PSBoundParameters – Credentials

PSBoundParameters – Credentials

The PSBoundParameter is an amazing tool that will clear your mind of worries about non-mandatory parameter sets. In my Super Help Desk module I use the credential flag. Inside this flag, I tell the system to use the credentials provided or the currently running...

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SHD – Disable Inactive Users

SHD – Disable Inactive Users

Now we have a way to find the disable OU, and to disable a user, now it's time to disable old accounts. We do this by targeting the Last Logon dates. Word of warning before we continue. When you do this, target a single OU instead of all of the company. Target only...

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SHD – Disable User

SHD – Disable User

My last blog was about how to find the disabled user OU. Now we will go over how I disable users and move them around to the disabled OU. The next blog will combine all this together and remove inactive accounts that are within a set OU. Let's rock this! First first...

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SHD – Find Disabled OU

SHD – Find Disabled OU

Have you ever started in a company and there was no documentation? The disabled OU isn't named "Disabled Users" and things are just what the heck? This powershell script will help find that disabled user OU. Believe it or not, it's a one liner. ((Get-ADUser -filter {...

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SHD – Set Those Speakers

SHD – Set Those Speakers

I hate it when someone calls and says they can't hear their video while on a terminal server. 99% of the time is because the sound is muted on the local computer. Believe it or not, this is very simple to solve. We do this by using $Obj = New-Object...

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