Disable Shared Mailbox Sign-Ins
As part of the exchange online hardening process, one must disable the sign-in ability of shared mailboxes. This process is simple. You will need to exchange Online and the MS Online modules. First, we will grab all the shared mailboxes using the exchange online. Then...
Oneliner Password Generator
Passwords, Passwords, and more Passwords. Let's generate a 16 character password that is complex and random that you will have to save into your password manager because you will never remember it. The Single Line [string]::Join("",(1..16 | ForEach-Object...
Dad Jokes
One of the things I love to do is add a Dad joke to my reports. Reddit has some good ones. What's cool about Reddit is they have a JSON backend that can be used and Used I do. The Function Function Get-DadJoke { $DadJoke = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri...
Install Google Chrome with Powershell
Install Google Chrome using PowerShell.
Install Firefox with Powershell
Install FIrefox with PowerShell.
Install Gimp with Powershell
This little script installs the latest version of gimp 2.10 onto your Windows machine. Let's take a look at the script and then break it down. The Script $DownloadPath = "C:\Temp\Gimp" If (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\")) {New-Item -Path c:\ -Name Temp -ItemType...
Webroot Deployment
In this article, I will guide you through the process of deploying webroot via Group Policy. This is a fairly straightforward process with only a little editing of the MSI. I am assuming you know how to download the MSI from the webroot portal. The portal changes...
Resource – SHD Get ACL
Ever need to combine Get-childitem and Get-ACL while only pulling the access information and users? Well, here we are. I hope you all can use it well. function Get-SHDACL { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Path, [string]$Filter,...
Exchange Online – Mailbox Size Audit
Here is a little powerhouse script I wrote to audit the mailbox sizes. The focus recently is to see who's mailbox sizes are about to be over and if it's the deleted folder. I can't show you all of the scripts, but I can show you part of it. This part will pull the...